Transform the way you manage your money!

We've made crypto easy, for you
The easiest way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies in Latin America.

Send and receive money, all from one place
Now you can shop at any online shop, pay for utilities such as electricity or water, and also receive payments in seconds. All you need is your mobile phone and your email address.

Pay in shops without physical contact via QR code
If you go to the store or want to make your purchases without any physical contact, you can scan the QR code of the shop and make the payment easily and quickly.
Pay for your everyday services easily
We know you have to pay for electricity, internet and more, so we make it easy for you. Pay for all the services you want with the payment method you prefer, including credit cards.

Shop local from your mobile phone
At PagueloFacil we have a catalogue of local businesses where you can shop completely online: from clothing to technology, there are no limits!